Guide: Legal and Finance (Page 12)

Making Sense Of The Information In Your Credit Report

If you've ever applied for a credit card or loan, you’ve probably had your credit report reviewed by the lender. Your credit report has a huge impact on your financial future, so it’s well worth your time to be sure that you understand what your credit report says about you. Even if you’re not interested in obtaining credit, your credit report can impact other areas of your life. Potential... ❯❯❯

Moving into a New Apartment? Know All the Costs

When you move in to a new apartment, the landlord may charge you more than the first month's rent. Before you sign the lease, make sure you understand exactly what you're going to be charged, and get it in writing. Security Deposit: This is mini-landlord insurance. The deposit is equivalent to about one to two month's rent and can cover anything from a broken window to stained carpet. At the end... ❯❯❯

What Are The Responsibilities of a Tenant?

As a tenant, you have many advantages over homeowners... you don't have to mow the lawn, or paint the house, or repave the driveway. It may seem like you haven't any responsibilities above and beyond getting the rent check in on time... but you do. Through the landlord-tenant laws, you are required to do several things: # Keep your apartment or house safe and sanitary. # Dispose of trash and... ❯❯❯

Don't Sign That Lease Yet

You're being transferred to a new city in another state for a position that you start in exactly two weeks. You fly to your new hometown to select an apartment. You have exactly two days to make a decision and sign a lease, so when, after much searching, you find a vacancy in a relatively decent property, you're anxious to sign when the lease is placed in front of you. Resist the urge. As... ❯❯❯

Hey Landlord! Is Your Lease Legal?

The longer you are a landlord the more you strive to create the perfect lease/rental agreement. Landlords learn in the school of hard-knocks that some tenants are certified trouble makers and we try our best to protect ourselves with a carefully structured restrictive lease. That's just good business.... but be careful you don't include any provisions in your lease that may not be legal. For... ❯❯❯

Facts About Renters Insurance

If you rent an apartment or house, you might consider purchasing renters insurance. Renters insurance provides coverage for damage or loss of personal property for people in rental housing. It's to insure the renter's belongings from theft or damage. In addition, renters insurance also provides liability coverage for people in rental housing if somebody is injured while in the rental place. In... ❯❯❯

Apartment Financing Explained

So you're interested in entering the world of property management? Have you thought about how you're going to get into this potentially lucrative market? Let's face it; unless you've just inherited a large sum of money or are otherwise independently wealthy you're going to have to borrow. This is where apartment financing comes in. Before you go down to the local bank or investment company, it... ❯❯❯

Apartment Loan 101

So you’re interested in going into business as a property manager? Have you given any thought yet to you’ll enter this potentially profitable market? Reality check-unless you’ve just inherited a large sum of money from a relative or are otherwise independently wealthy you’re going to find someone to borrow from. This is where an apartment loan comes in. Before you visit the local bank or other... ❯❯❯

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