Guide: Legal and Finance (Page 11)

Rental property: Modify your loan to make your investment affordable

You may be struggling to repay your loan that you took for your rental property. You'd have faced a lot of difficulty in getting it modified by your lender, if the government hadn't come up with its own loan modification program. However, since help is available at hand where over 100 lenders are participating to provide mortgage relief to struggling borrowers like you, it is important for you to... ❯❯❯

A Guide to Choosing Landlords Insurance

Most people have some kind of home insurance. How comprehensive this insurance is will entirely depend on your needs. Some people opt for full coverage of both their property and their contents, whilst others will choose one or the other. Insurance needs will vary from person to person; the type, size, value and location of your property will all play a role in determining what kind of cover is... ❯❯❯

Landlords: How to Find the Right Conveyancer

Finding the right conveyancer is crucial for a smooth, quick and stress free purchase of property. It is even more vital when you are trying to buy property to let it out, as you want to be able to get someone in as soon as you can. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to find a conveyancer who’ll deliver a great service. Shop Around Never ever go for the first quote that you get. Always get a... ❯❯❯

Rental Income Properties

Anybody that has ever considered purchasing a property with the intent to rent it out to generate income would be advised to do a lot of research before moving ahead with the plan. While it can be a lucrative investment opportunity it is a business and therefore cannot be approached the same way as typical home ownership. The very first question to be answered is can you afford the bank payment... ❯❯❯

How to Extend Your Shareholder Lease

There are two main types of property ownership; freehold and shareholder. The difference between the two is that a freeholder will own their property outright, whereas a shareholder will own a lease to their property. A shareholder lease does not mean that a person is renting the property. Instead, it means that they have signed a contract which gives them ownership rights for a pre-agreed term.... ❯❯❯

Five Great Money Management Tips for Expats

Deciding to move abroad can be incredible exciting! Whether you’ve planned carefully or thrown caution to the wind, there’s nothing more adventurous than taking off to begin a new life in a new country.  But if you are setting sail for new shores, it’s always important to bear in mind that – no matter where you go, or how light you travel – you will always need a reliable source of money. ... ❯❯❯

Consider the Amenities

The amenities on a rental property can often be the deciding factor for many renters. The available amenities may make a less affordable property seem more appealing. Conversely a property which is more expensive may be considered worthwhile if the amenities offered are considered valuable enough to compensate for the higher price. When making this decision, homeowners should consider their own... ❯❯❯

Read Your Apartment Rental Contract Carefully

Many renters barely even skim their rental agreement before signing their name at the bottom. Most renters are primarily concerned with the monthly charges, one time only fees, required deposits and other financial matters. Once they verify this information is accurate according to their conversations with the leasing agent, they often sign the agreement with no questions asked. This is a mistake... ❯❯❯

Getting Your Security Deposit Back

For many renters the subject of the security deposit is somewhat of a touchy subject. Most renters assume they should receive their security deposit back in its entirety as long as there is no significant damage done to the apartment. However, this is rarely true as there are number of factors which contribute to whether or not the security deposit or a portion of the deposit will be returned to... ❯❯❯

Breaking a Lease on a Rental Agreement

Most rental agreements have a section regarding the renter breaking the lease agreement. While there is also likely a section or several sections regarding when the leasing agent can evict the renter, the section on breaking the lease should be of particular interest to those who might be in a position to have to break the lease some day. Renters should understand these contract terms so they can... ❯❯❯

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