Should Beets Be Peeled Before Juicing?

Beets are an excellent addition to your diet. As a hearty root vegetable, beets are packed with antioxidants, minerals, and fiber. Not only are beets perfect for juicing, but they are also an excellent substitute for vegetables that may not be allowed in your diet. Beets, like many vegetables, are packed with nutrients and help the body get rid of cholesterols. If you are wondering if you should peel beets before juicing, this article will answer that question and enlighten you on other benefits of beets.

Should Beets Be Peeled Before Juicing?

The answer is YES. Beets should be peeled before juicing because although their skin is edible and completely harmless, they contain a small amount of nitrates. Additionally, by peeling beets, you can avoid the strong dirt-like flavor, and earthy odor the beet's skin often has.

So How Do You Remove The Beet's Skin?

The beets should be rinsed thoroughly to remove any dirt and residue. The beets can then be peeled using a vegetable peeler or by cutting them into smaller pieces and then peeling them. The skin of the beets may be removed after the beet is cooked or before; however, you will need to scrub them more thoroughly if they are peeled before cooking.

Health Benefits Of Beets

1. Help Keep Blood Pressure In Check:

Beets can help keep blood pressure in check. They are an excellent source of aromatase inhibitors, known for their ability to lower blood pressure, especially in people with hypertension. In addition, the nitrates found in beets help dilate the blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure. In fact, the beneficial effects of beets on blood pressure have been proven in studies that have had a high follow-up rate and involved large groups of people. So when you consume beets regularly, you better your chances of avoiding high blood pressure.

2. Detoxify the Body

Beets are considered to be great detoxifying food. This is because they are rich in the powerful antioxidant known as betaine. Betaine can help increase the body's capacity to absorb and excrete toxins from the body, thus helping to promote better overall health. This is especially beneficial if you feel that you might have some toxins that need to be eliminated from your system or simply want a fresh and energetic day.

3. Improve Digestive Health

Beets are great at improving the health of your digestive system. They help relieve any intestinal gas that you might be experiencing, causing you to feel bloated after eating. Beets also contain high levels of fiber, which helps keep the bowels working correctly and digesting food in an efficient manner.

4. Skin Protection

Drinking beet juice regularly can offer significant benefits for your skin. It can promote beautiful skin by detoxifying the blood and enhancing collagen production in your body.

5. Reduce Inflammation

Beets are great in reducing inflammation in the body. They are filled with antioxidants, which can help to reduce any redness or swelling you might have in your skin, muscles, and joints. Whenever inflammation is present, it will lead to a greater risk of developing certain forms of cancer, so antioxidant-rich foods like beets are an excellent way to prevent any unwanted health risks.

6. Boosting Athletic Performance

Beets are great on the body and can boost athletic performance. They contain nitrates that help to reduce muscle soreness that can occur after strenuous activities. It also works to restore strength and energy to your muscles, which means you will be able to achieve better endurance.

7. Preventing Anemia

Beets can help to prevent anemia, a very common condition that is often caused by a lack of iron in the body. Iron-rich foods like beets can help you to increase your iron stores and bring it into the body's cells. Beets are an excellent option for anyone who has a low iron level in their diet.

Juicing is a great way to enjoy the benefits of beets in a very healthy and flavorful manner. Beets are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that can help to boost your health and vitality. So why not give juicing beets a try! The power of these healthy nutrients provides you with a myriad of health benefits and will help to promote your general health and beauty.

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