Guide (Page 137)

Tips for Moving to Another Country

BE SURE - Moving can be extremely stressful, be as certain as you can be that it's the right move for you before you go. If possible visit the country before you make up your mind, don't rely on other people's impressions. Ask yourself if the new culture will really suit you (and your family). BE PREPARED - ...For anything and everything to go wrong. Don't assume that you'll be able to find the... ❯❯❯

Moving Boxes: Just How Do I Pack a Box?

Dear Moving Lady: My husband's company just transferred him from the East Coast to the West Coast. This is our first move in twenty years and I have no idea how to start packing. Can you help? Packing? Are you asking the right person? Anyone who has ever seen me wrap a Christmas gift, let alone pack a box, will be laughing too hard to read the rest of this article. My book was about unpacking... ❯❯❯

6 Saving Tips When Moving

Moving households, whether it is due to a job transfer or upgrading your home, and whether moving across country or across town, is an expensive proposition. Even when a new employer sponsors a relocation, there are hidden or un-thought-of expenses such as tipping or registering your vehicle in a new state. Here are six ways to reduce expenses during your next move: 1. Boxes, boxes, boxes Asking... ❯❯❯

A Few Easy Ways To Take The Headache Out Of Moving

Moving from one house to another is always a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Here are some simple tips on how to get it done with minimal stress and strain. Look at all the alternatives: hiring a moving company, for example, versus renting a truck and doing it yourself. Whichever alternative makes most sense for you, get bids from more than one vendor. A few days before the... ❯❯❯

14 Tips to Make Moving Day Easier

It’s that time of year again for a lot of us. Here are some tips to make your moving day less painful, both mentally and physically. 1. Lighten the load. Dispose of as much as possible before you start to pack. Donate to charity, have a yard sale or throw out. 2. Use the same size boxes. They will be easier to stack both while you are packing, and in the truck. No more spending time trying to... ❯❯❯

Choosing the Moving Service You Need

There are a variety of services offered by moving company for a wide range of prices. Before going for a moving company service it's recommended that you compare different ones. Asking your friends about the experiences they had with the moving services they used can be a good place to start. Alternatively, you can get information about companies that offer moving services from the Better... ❯❯❯

Apartment Loan 101

So you’re interested in going into business as a property manager? Have you given any thought yet to you’ll enter this potentially profitable market? Reality check-unless you’ve just inherited a large sum of money from a relative or are otherwise independently wealthy you’re going to find someone to borrow from. This is where an apartment loan comes in. Before you visit the local bank or other... ❯❯❯

Apartment Inspection Checklist

You have found an apartment you like and you are eager to move in this lovely place. Hold on! Before you sign the lease with the landlord, some inspection is necessary and it might save you a lot of trouble. If you have already signed the lease, it will still be helpful to carefully inspect the apartment if you haven't done it yet. In case you find any problem, you should let the landlord know... ❯❯❯

Find the Right Apartment Quickly and Easily Using an Apartment Locator Service

You've probably seen the ads or heard about apartment locators. But what do they really do and why should you choose an apartment locator to help you find an apartment area? One of the biggest reasons to use an apartment locator is the fact that there are hundreds of apartments to choose from. When there are so many choices an apartment hunter can become overwhelmed with the vast number of... ❯❯❯

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