Guide (Page 134)

Finding A New York Apartment Rental

To say that the apartment rental market in New York City is tight is an understatement. If you want to find an apartment in Manhattan at a reasonable rental fee, you will need to give yourself plenty of time and use every means at your disposal. Manhattan is the center of commerce for the city and having an apartment in close proximity to where you work is a luxury that only a few can afford ... ❯❯❯

Bathroom Decorating Ideas - Guide To Make Your Bath Truly Luxurious

Whether you are buying a new home, moving into a new place, or just looking to spice things up in your current home, you may be looking for new and exciting bathroom decorating ideas. Inspiration for a new look or fresh design is probably closer than you may think. For renters, you are somewhat limited in what you can do. You probably need your landlord to grant you permission to do anything too... ❯❯❯

Making Sense Of The Information In Your Credit Report

If you've ever applied for a credit card or loan, you’ve probably had your credit report reviewed by the lender. Your credit report has a huge impact on your financial future, so it’s well worth your time to be sure that you understand what your credit report says about you. Even if you’re not interested in obtaining credit, your credit report can impact other areas of your life. Potential... ❯❯❯

Moving into a New Apartment? Know All the Costs

When you move in to a new apartment, the landlord may charge you more than the first month's rent. Before you sign the lease, make sure you understand exactly what you're going to be charged, and get it in writing. Security Deposit: This is mini-landlord insurance. The deposit is equivalent to about one to two month's rent and can cover anything from a broken window to stained carpet. At the end... ❯❯❯

Moving Out: A Renter's Obligations

Moving is an exhausting process, from finding a new place to live to hiring reputable movers to boxing your belongings and unpacking. So it's easy to understand why many renters tend to overlook important details before they they move out. In the rush to wrap things up and move into their new residences, people occasionally forget their obligations as a tenant, and those obligations later come... ❯❯❯

How to Deal with a Noisy Neighbor

Your heart starts pounding... breathing becomes labored, and your head starts to ache. You wipe the sweat from your forehead and try to gather your thoughts. Have you just had a heart attack? Not at all. This is your body's reaction to excessive noise. "Studies of the physiological and psychological effects of noise...indicate that protracted noise can impair one's hearing, dry the mouth, dilate... ❯❯❯

What Are The Responsibilities of a Tenant?

As a tenant, you have many advantages over homeowners... you don't have to mow the lawn, or paint the house, or repave the driveway. It may seem like you haven't any responsibilities above and beyond getting the rent check in on time... but you do. Through the landlord-tenant laws, you are required to do several things: # Keep your apartment or house safe and sanitary. # Dispose of trash and... ❯❯❯

8 Tips for Renting the Right Apartment

So, you're looking for an apartment to rent or share with a roommate. Whether you're a first-timer or an experienced apartment-hunter, it's worth taking the time to decide what's most important to you in where you live and to plan your search strategy accordingly. With that in mind, here are eight tips to consider: 1. Make a list of your top housing priorities. Do you need extra parking spaces?... ❯❯❯

Don't Sign That Lease Yet

You're being transferred to a new city in another state for a position that you start in exactly two weeks. You fly to your new hometown to select an apartment. You have exactly two days to make a decision and sign a lease, so when, after much searching, you find a vacancy in a relatively decent property, you're anxious to sign when the lease is placed in front of you. Resist the urge. As... ❯❯❯

Hey Landlord! Is Your Lease Legal?

The longer you are a landlord the more you strive to create the perfect lease/rental agreement. Landlords learn in the school of hard-knocks that some tenants are certified trouble makers and we try our best to protect ourselves with a carefully structured restrictive lease. That's just good business.... but be careful you don't include any provisions in your lease that may not be legal. For... ❯❯❯

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