Guide (Page 124)

7 Sneaky Ways to Make a Small Apartment Feel Bigger

7 Sneaky Ways to Make a Small Apartment Feel BiggerEveryone’s most common complaint with apartment living is that they do not have enough space. Most of these people think there is not a lot they can do about their space issues, so they simply grim and bear it. Even though there might not be ways to actually make the space bigger, everyone can use a few tricks to make their home look bigger than it actually is. These are simple ideas anyone can... ❯❯❯

Things to Consider When Choosing a New Home

One of the most important decisions a person will make in their lifetime is in regards to the home they will purchase. In order to make this decision, you will need to arm yourself with as much information as you can. There are a number of homes on the market and each of them will offer you something different. One of the first things you need to do when trying to find the right home is to find... ❯❯❯

Do you need a real estate agent to sell your house?

In a word, no. You don’t technically need a real estate agent in order to actually physically and legally go through the process of selling your home. However, if the question becomes SHOULD you hire a real estate agent, experienced agents such as Deo Gahiza should a resounding yes. You may shy away from the idea of hiring an agent to sell your house because of that nasty word: commission. Yes,... ❯❯❯

Plug It In, Take It Out: Saving Big on Your Electricity Bill

For homeowners and renters alike, electric bills can be one of the largest and often sneakiest expenses that you may face on a monthly basis. When you find yourself stuck with a larger bill than you can handle, try for help. However, before the bill comes, there are things you can do to keep costs down. In our technologically dependent world that runs on large amounts of... ❯❯❯

Let There Be Light

Let There Be LightIf you own a house that was built between the wars, it is likely to have a separate lounge, dining room and kitchen. Modern houses are likely to have dispensed with all the walls to give the impression of space. They may also be designed in such a way that more light can get into the house. There is no loss of insulation just because there are more windows and less bricks. Indeed, man-made... ❯❯❯

How to Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

How to Improve Your Home’s Energy EfficiencyAssessing how energy efficient your home is needs to be something you add to your home improvement to-do list. By watching the energy you use and making cutbacks, you can easily save several hundred on your energy bills. Reducing the use of fossil fuels helps to reduce your carbon footprint, too. Here are some tips on how to check and improve the efficiency of your home. The Heating in the Home ... ❯❯❯

5 Helpful Tips for First-Time Apartment Renters

Renting an apartment for the first time can be a big milestone. Not only is it a symbol of your freedom, but it is also a sign that it is time to get serious about adult responsibilities. But back to the freedom part – having your own apartment can be an amazing opportunity to really be in control of your own environment. Even if you are living in a small studio, there are numerous ways to make... ❯❯❯

Tips for Student Landlords

Renting to students can be a profitable venture, but it pays to be prepared. Here is some essential advice for any landlord new to student lets. Do Your Research First At the thought of the pound signs clocking up, most prospective student landlords are like Pavlov’s dogs at the sound of the bell. But before you turn into a salivating mess at the thought of money, it’s important to consider the... ❯❯❯

Decorating Tips for Furnishing Small Apartments

Your apartment might be pint-sized, that doesn’t mean you have to restrict yourself to living in a small, cluttered space. If you’re willing to put a little effort into finding the perfect pieces, you don’t even have to be restricted to pint-sized home décor. Finding the right furnishings and house ware for your little apartment can be a fun experience, and is guaranteed to transform your space.... ❯❯❯

Top Tips for Landlords on Rent

Many landlords are unsure of where they stand when it comes to negotiating rent increases and dealing with tenants who fall into arrears. The law on rent is complex, and governed by a number of rules, stipulations and exceptions. As a landlord, you need to know them, to ensure that you’re operating within the law and that both you and your tenant have a fair deal. Increase Rent by Agreement ... ❯❯❯

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