Guide (Page 124)

Top 5 Apartment Hunting Tips for College Grads on a Budget

If you’re a college graduate, first let us commend you on your commitment to your education. It’s pretty amazing that you were able to figure out what you wanted to major in and then go to school to earn your degree. However, we know that going to college was a great sacrifice, especially financially. So as you’re in the process of looking for a new job and a new place to live, we wanted to... ❯❯❯

Adjustments in Moving from a House To an Apartment

Sometimes there are situations beyond our control which lead us to change our lifestyle to better meet changes in come and relationship matters. When children are involved there are usually child custody lawyers and other life changes which further confuse a child. Therefore you must take some measurements to make this change in environment as easy as possible. Here are some tips to do just... ❯❯❯

Infographic: How To Screen Print From Home

Infographic: How To Screen Print From HomeAre you an artsy-craftsy kinda person on a budget that’s always dressed to impress? Well you’re in luck! This cool how to infographic has just what you need from creating unique one-of-a-kind looks or creating merchandise for your brand using screen printing. Not only can screen printing be fun but it’s safe, affordable and can be done from home. All you need are a few basic items you can find... ❯❯❯

Homeownership in Florida 101

Many people visit Florida and are swept away by its lush, tropical appearance. The beaches and the year round warmth make it an appealing place to relocate. However, many people, especially those moving from colder climates, don't realize that taking care of a home in Florida has its challenges. Home builders in Tampa usually try to let new buyers know what to expect about owning a home in... ❯❯❯

Interior Design Look for Minimum Spend: Decorating with Soft Furnishings

With proper decorating techniques, you can transform any space from out-dated to fashion-forward. Soft furnishings are one of the quickest and cheapest ways to remake a room's look. Here’s what soft furnishings can do to drastically make over your home in one weekend: Keeping the Home Modern and Fresh You may want to redecorate simply to keep your home updated and fresh. The furnishings that... ❯❯❯

Roof Watch: Is that House Well Insulated?

​A lot can be learned from nature in the winter, especially whether valuable heat is escaping from a home. "Wintertime is a great time to check on a home’s attic insulation as it can be visually reviewed from outside of the home and doesn't require any scientific measures or formulas," said Chris Lowe of Comparing neighboring homes with similar light exposures can tell a lot... ❯❯❯

6 Ways to Protect New Purchases After the Holidays

The holiday season was full of lights, joy, and of course, expensive gifts.  Still, thieves know that many homes are ripe with new goodies and are waiting for their chance to get their hands on them. If you want to protect your new gifts, then there are special precautions you should take.  Save Your Receipts  If the unthinkable happens and your new laptop was stolen, you can rest comfortable... ❯❯❯

5 Historic Apartment Building Restoration Tips

There are many reasons why you might be interested in buying and restoring a historic apartment building. For one thing, you could procure such a property for a relatively small sum of money, especially if it suffers from deterioration and requires upgrades to plumbing, electrical, or other infrastructure. And once you have restored it, you might stand to earn a tidy sum renting out the refurbishe... ❯❯❯

Renting problems that can easily be avoided

Three Common Renting Problems That Can Easily Be Avoided You’ll no doubt be familiar with tales of renting woe. It’s entirely possible you have one or two yourself. However, there are several issues that are preventable – either by tenant or landlord – just by having a checklist of important potential snags that will protect both sides. Seek References Although this may seem like one for... ❯❯❯

Preparing For A Cold Winter With Proper Heating

In a cold winter season, there is nothing as important as having an efficient heating system at home, school or at the office. This is because temperatures can drop below zero, which can cause serious damage to property and the lives of human beings, indoor plants and pets. There are many sources of heat that can be used to heat up a building. These include propane heaters, wood stoves, oil... ❯❯❯

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