How To Make Your Rented Apartment Your Own
Let’s be honest, when your apartment or house is a rental it’s very hard to make it feel like your own. Because you can’t paint or make any renovations, it often feels like you’re missing your own flair. However, there are many classy touches you can make to your decorations to make it feel more like your own home.
The first trendy improvement you can make to your house or apartment is adding greens and other various plants around the house. It has been proven that greens in the home can boost the mood of any person because of the growing life. Plus, it looks super trendy! Whether it be large potted plants or small flowers, it’ll be a super cute addition to any room. Also, if you don’t trust yourself to take care of the plants, you can buy a few succulents. These cute and small cactuses are easy to take care of because you don’t have to water them as often. Just put them in a spot that gets a lot of light, and enjoy!
Another tip to making your house feel like your own is adding different wall accents. You make not be able to paint the walls, but you can still hang up various decorations that are cool and unique. An idea of one is a wall decal that has a picture of something you love, or a quote that is important to you. It is removable, but also something you wouldn’t find in another person’s house necessarily. There are also various other art pieces or sculptures that are made for hanging on walls. This will add your own flair to what could’ve once been a very boring wall. There are so many possibilities and it doesn’t have to be pricey either! Try checking websites such as this
The last change you can make in your home is the lighting. This is something so basic that can completely alter the mood of any room at any point in the day. It’s up to you how you decide the room to be perceived to the outside world. Adding just string lights to a living room will make the space feel more relaxed and calm. However, if you decide to add a chandelier to a dining or living room, it may make the area more grown up and mature. It is essentially up to you and how you want the room to feel. The light of a room completely defines the space and will be an overarching factor of what kind of atmosphere you want to create.
No matter what changes you decide to make to your house, just remember it is your home! Even if you can’t paint or make renovations, you still have the ability to make the spaces a place you love to be in.
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