How to Make Pool Decks Interlocking

Swimming pools are a desirable feature in any residence or community facility, and around each pool there must, for the sake of sheer practicality, be a deck. For without one the pool will stand on its own, which would look unusual and not structurally sound. Pool decks are therefore a useful feature where there is more than one pool to accommodate, and where the pools are designed to be inter-communicating then there is certainly something to be said for these pool decks interlocking.

It may also be the case that there is only one swimming pool but that there is more than one deck, in which case it would, of course, be desirable that one had all of the pool decks interlocking.

As an example, one could foresee the case of a swimming pool which was adjacent to a small stretch of grass. Clearly there would have to be a border around the grass, so as not to get the grass into the pool, or the water from the pool into the grassed area. It would be desirable, both for practical as well as aesthetic reasons, for there to be some kind of verge around both the pool and the grassy area. Extending from this, one could also have a deck which joined the pool verge to the grass verge. This would provide an excellent area of informal activity adjoining both pool and grass, and also to any other area which happened to be near at hand.

The application of the same rule could also extend to other areas where there was a need to connect. Clearly, the pool and grassed areas already mentioned are leisure areas. But these could also be joined to more functional areas like garaging and access zones. In each case there could be a certain amount of interlocking between them which would be desirable, if not absolutely necessary from a functional point of view.

Pool decks could be made from a variety of materials, including the traditional wood and stone. But increasingly composites are used for this kind of function. Composites are easy and relatively cheap to manufacture, and they can be pre-cast as units on an assembly line. Each unit can be faced with a number of different textures, so that when assembled, these can produce an overall texture which resembles a more traditional rock or stone feature. Such prefabricated units can even be made to resemble much more expensive materials like marble.

Another great advantage of using such composite units is that they are very light in weight. Several such units can be carried easily by one man; hence the construction of a deck may be undertaken in a relatively short period of time, and with only one worker who has been previously briefed on the overall aesthetic effect which is desired. Assuming that this one person had an eye for art and some experience of his craft, such interlocking pool decks could be readily assembled in just one afternoon with both ease and speed.

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