How To Choose Between A Condo And An Apartment

If you've found that your current living situation is getting cramped, you might be thinking about leaping from an apartment to a condo. Sales of condos were the highest in the Southern part of the US as of 2020 and stood at approximately 275,000. 

But it's not always easy to decide exactly what kind of living space you need. Do you want more privacy? More room? What about all those expensive condo fees? Just like any other big life decision, there are plenty of factors to consider.

We'll help you figure out whether a condo or an apartment is right for your needs and budget. Besides, remember to purchase from a trusted brand that specializes in condo sales

Understand What a Condo Is

Condos are a type of housing unit. They are similar to apartments, but with one key difference: condos are owned by individual owners instead of a landlord who owns the entire property. Condos may be located in buildings with other units or be stand-alone structures. The owner(s) typically pay monthly fees to maintain common areas such as hallways and staircases, while utilities like heat and water are included in rent payments.

Account for Regular Maintenance Issues

You'll also need to consider how you plan to deal with regular maintenance issues. If you're not a handy person, you will likely be paying someone else to do the work. This can include everything from cleaning gutters and repairing minor plumbing leaks in the basement apartment to fixing leaky faucets or replacing busted light fixtures in your condo. In addition to the cost of hiring people for this kind of work, there will also be additional expenses involved—for example, some services charge an hourly fee plus materials and/or travel costs.

Decide If You Want to Share Your Building's Amenities

If you have your heart set on a condo, consider the pros and cons of having access to amenities like a gym, pool, or clubhouse. If these are important to you, it might be worth the extra expense. But if those things aren't relevant to your needs or lifestyle—or if they're not included in your budget—you may want to look into an apartment instead.


  • Low maintenance costs (there's no lawn or yardwork)
  • No need for major repairs since there aren't any exterior walls for water damage


  • You can't do anything with the land surrounding the building as long as it remains within city limits

Look at Utility Costs

The monthly bills for basic utilities can vary widely depending on your location, the building or complex you live in, and even the unit itself. This can make a big difference in your overall budget! You will want to look at these costs before signing a lease or purchasing a condo or apartment and make sure that they fit with your budget. For example: If power and water are included with rent, then it may not matter as much if those expenses are higher than in other places where they aren't included; however, if gas or electricity are not included in your rent, then those high monthly bills could add up fast!

Calculate Your Overall Taxes

The next step in deciding between a condo and an apartment is to calculate your overall taxes. Taxes can be a big difference between a condo and an apartment. Condos are usually taxed as property, whereas apartments are usually taxed as homes—and if you're living in a building with more than one unit, it's the owner of the whole building who pays those taxes (and not you). This means that condos will generally cost more in taxes than apartments do.

In addition, condos tend to be taxed at higher rates than apartments because they're considered commercial properties rather than residential ones (unless they have been converted into co-ops or condominiums). This also means that if your property tax increases over time due to inflation or other factors, it will affect your condo's value much more dramatically than it would an apartment's value since there’s no way around these costs except through buying or selling your home itself (which can sometimes be difficult depending on whether there’s enough demand among potential buyers).

Consider How You'll Pay for the Place

The next step is to consider your monthly income and expenses. How much can you afford to pay in rent? Do you have a steady income, or do you rely on commissions or bonuses? These are things that need to be considered before signing a lease agreement.

Next, factor in the other costs of renting—utilities, maintenance, and so forth. If your budget doesn't allow for these expenses as well as rent, then you may want to reconsider how much space you actually need or what kind of lifestyle fits best with your current financial situation. The average selling price of houses in the US is $420,900.

Finally, don't forget about long-term plans for living spaces; if it turns out that having an apartment makes sense now but later down the road, it won't (for instance: because there's more space available but less money), then make sure that whatever option fits best now will still fit later (like buying instead of renting).

Wrapping Up

Understanding what you are looking for in a home and the community that surrounds it should be your priority when making any major decisions like this. It is important to know the neighborhood, but it is also important to understand what you want in a home and how much time commitment will be involved with owning it.

Many people believe that condos are more expensive than apartments because they must pay monthly fees to cover the maintenance of common areas, but this is not necessarily true. Condos often have less square footage than other types of housing options (although some do offer larger units), which means there may not be enough space for every member of your family. In addition, there can sometimes be restrictions on how many tenants live within one unit; if one person moves out or dies, then everyone else living there must do so as well.

We know it’s a lot to think about, but we hope these tips will help you make an informed decision. In the end, it's all about your lifestyle preferences and what you're looking for in a home. Please feel free to reach out to us if we can be of any further assistance!

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