For those in the business world, receiving a digital document and signing it electronically is the new norm.
As a core element of digital transformation, digital documents and signatures are quickly becoming a key component of most business transactions. Digital documents and eSignatures give businesses of all sizes, shapes, and locations the potential to expand their reach, streamline their... ❯❯❯
There are numerous kinds of credit cards given to countless consumers. The type of credit card provided varies depending on your credit score, how much you can afford, or for what purpose you’ll use it. To help you figure out which type to choose or what you must get, we’ll list all primary types of credit cards and discuss how they’re unique from one another. Are you planning to apply for a... ❯❯❯
Pests are a nuisance and many of them carry diseases that can cause serious illness. That’s why it is important to have preventative measures in place and a policy to deal with pests when they occur. When you’re a property owner and you live in your property it’s easy to see that you are responsible for contacting the pest control experts and getting the problem resolved. But, when you are... ❯❯❯
When it comes to investments, real estate still reigns supreme. In its last Rental Housing Finance Survey, individual investors were found to own 71.6 percent of the 20 million rental properties. Also, with more households renting than ever before and an increasing number of consumers preferring renting over buying, the market for rental properties is booming making it a go-to investment option... ❯❯❯
Establishing and maintaining a reserve fund is the best practice for homeowners' associations. However, if you've never dealt with the subject before, it cannot be easy to understand your reserves. Therefore, it is beneficial to understand the HOA reserves rule of thumb regarding your reserve fund. All About HOA Reserves Rule of Thumb To understand what reserves are, you must first understand... ❯❯❯
If you are looking for a long-term investment, stability and a place to call it home, you might be thinking of buying a house. Whether you want to live alone, or with a partner, the first thing you may be worried is the money. According to Forbes, the median down payment in some states has skyrocketed to $100,000, locking out potential homebuyers. While it may seem an impossible task to raise... ❯❯❯
Many residential communities have a Homeowner’s Association (HOA) structure to take care of various in-house operations, ranging from cleaning to strengthening good neighborliness. A full-service HOA management team will perform financial and accounting advising, rules enforcement, distribution of newsletters, and deal with insurance matters.
Another critical component of HOAs' work is overseeing... ❯❯❯
You. You require Public Adjusting Services as a proud homeowner. Before you get caught up in the hows and when, let us take a look into your life. You have toiled really hard to reach where you are today. You got the certificates, the degree, made a family, got that job and finally built a home. Hard work was required at every step of the way. The stress began when you were required to maintain... ❯❯❯
As a tenant, seeing cockroaches in your apartment can be incredibly stressful. It can also be frustrating for landlords hoping to keep their properties pest-free. Cockroaches are often a source of tension between landlords and tenants because neither party may feel responsible, but the cockroaches must go. These are hazardous, unsightly pests that will only get worse with time. So, who pays? In... ❯❯❯
Buying a new home can be an exciting and fun experience, especially if it's your first time. Yet, finding the right one is only one step in the process. What is more important down the line is selecting the right home loan. With all the paperwork, weeks of shopping, and tons of precautions to take, you may find yourself overworked. Here are some tips to help you find the right home loan as... ❯❯❯