Why Every Home Should Have A Futon

Futons are comfortable and affordable alternatives to your typical home sofa, and they’ve always remained a popular choice for furniture for small living rooms or spare bedrooms. The futons you see nowadays are the modern version, adapted from the original design first created in Japan. The first ever futons were stuffed with synthetic materials and cotton, and were not made to be permanent pieces of furniture for the home. Instead, they would be folded out when sitting space was limited, or to impress guesses, and then folded away again.

Modern day futons are slightly different however, as in they are manufactured to serve as a permanent furniture fixture instead of being folded away at the end of the day. Furthermore, many futons are now being designed to look like sofas, with the added benefits of mobility, flexibility and comfort in such a small space. There are even futons that fold out in to beds as well as places to sit. Let’s take a look at some of the best features of futons, and why every home should have one.

Practicality and Comfort

No matter what piece of furniture you’re looking to add to your home, it has to be practical and it has to look good. Thankfully futons tick both of those boxes, and when it comes to practicality, they’re even better than sofas in some cases. Coming in all shapes and sizes, futons can be made to slot into any space, however the fact that you’re thinking about getting a futon suggests that there’s a sofa sized space to fill.

Sometimes, couches are too big for the rooms they’re placed in, and you’d rather have a piece of furniture you can reposition and adjust. These days, new build homes are very limited when it comes to storage space, and sometimes fitting in a king size bed can be a difficult situation. This is where futons come in handy. Not only do they provide comfortable sleeping arrangements, but they can also be easily converted into seating space.

Protecting Your Futon

Just like a sofa, futons beds can come in a number of fabrics and colours, and just like any new piece of furniture, you’re going to want to protect it from stains and marks. As futons are smaller than sofas, as well as more flexible and mobile, it’s a lot easier to find protective cover material to throw over the futon. Furthermore, you can even find fitted throw-overs for your futon to give it that homely and sofa feel.  One of the down sides of futons is the quality of the mattress. Although comfortable, it’s rare that you’ll find a futon with memory foam, for example.


When it comes to buying a futon for your home, it all comes down to opinion. Futons have become fashionable again for homes with limited space, or if you have regular guests over to stay. Although they don’t offer the same level of comfort as a sofa, or the same level of support as a bed, they still provide a way to make use of space whilst also facilitating a need for furniture. 

David enjoys home improvement and spends his weekends on various DIY projects throughout his house and garden.

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