Don't Get Stuck in the Cold: 3 Reasons You Should be Checking the Entryways of Your Home for Damage

Winter is here, which means it's once again time to make your home cold-proof. If you're like most people, usual steps like making sure your air conditioner is working, cleaning your dusty fireplace and picking up a few extra blankets may take precedence. But, sometimes it's the most overlooked factors that make all the difference.

When preparing for the winter, many homeowners don't give the slightest thought to the fact that their entryways could be allowing cold air to enter, even when they're shut. Air leaks can be easy to overlook, but you'll be surprised at just how much change you can make by sealing them before the winter.

Below are three good reasons why checking your entryways should be a top priority when getting your home ready for the cold season.

1. Efficient Heating

Cold air seeping in through your doors and windows can make it significantly harder to achieve that coziness you desire in the winter. Much of the heated air from your heater or fireplace will be mixing with the cooler air, which means your heating system will be working harder than usual. Sealing air leaks can save you a substantial amount of money on utility bills, while also promoting the proper functioning of your heater.

2. Eliminating Cold Spots

In the cold season, even the smallest air leaks can render your favorite parts of the house uninhabitable. Unless you're okay with avoiding all the seats that are close to the window or rearranging your kitchen so that you're not standing next to a door when you're preparing a meal, ensure your entryways are adequately sealed. Fixing air leaks will keep your entire house evenly heated and cozy all through winter.

3. Savings Down the Road

Most air leaks tend to worsen over time. So, the longer you ignore that failed caulking material or damaged weather sealing, the harder and more expensive it will be to repair when it eventually becomes an unbearable problem.

Taking Care of Air Leaks

Although your place may have some isolated cracks and loose joints, entryways are usually the main culprits when it comes to letting in cold air. More often than not, there will be a gap between a frame and the siding of your house, some damaged glazing, or an opening under the door that's too big.

The first step in taking care of compromised entryways is to conduct a thorough investigation for possible faults. Sometimes a careful visual assessment is enough, but a more effective method is to light a candle or stick of incense and move it around your doors and windows. If you see the flame or smoke flickering or moving towards one direction, you've got an air leak.

Although you can find DIY videos on YouTube, it is always recommended that you contact a professional to handle air leaks around your house. Entryways are particularly sensitive because any mistakes can jeopardize your movement in and out of the house, as well as the security of your stuff. If a door or window needs a lock, for instance, a pro locksmith will know how to fix it, so it doesn't leave any air leaks. Professionals may even have valuable advice on how to detect leaks in the future or the most cost-effective ways to heat up your house.


Keeping warm in the winter is a necessary expense, but that doesn't mean you can't do anything to lessen the burden. Check your entryways for air leaks today, and make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient this cold season.

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